[ImmunoTools] Quantum P Flow Cytometer

등록일2024. 09. 13
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[ImmunoTools] Quantum P Flow Cytometer

[ImmunoTools] PRODUCT

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[ImmunoTools] Quantum P Flow Cytometer

Quantum P Flow Cytometer

Product Description:

The Quantum P - an 8-parameter flow cytometer - offered by ImmunoTools is
  • a light - it only has the weight of 13 kg -
  • is a fast measuring - it takes less than 30s per sample -
  • is a precise modern flow cytometer with a minimum sample volume of 50 µl.
  • and costs only 47,900 EUR. There is also the possibility to rent the Quantum P.
  • Furthermore the Quantum P is able to detect a variety of particles ranging from cells over bacteria and viruses to exosomes and other nanomolecules. The range of particle size is 0.05 - 100 µm.

Beside to the cell analysing by staining cells with antibodies the Quantum P is usable for a lot different applications, e.g. cell counting analysis, live/dead analysis, DNA ploidy/aneuploidy screening or bioreactor fermentation control. The Quantum P can be combined with a high throughput well plate sample automation which can measure up to 600 samples per hour.

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